Certified Master Trainer & Coach / Entrepreneur /Business Mentor/Founder.
Dr. Lalitha Sharma is a Doctorate in Alternative Healing Sciences & Therapy and trainer in Neuro Linguistic Psychology (NLP) since 1999. She is a Master/Teacher of Reiki, Pranic Healing, Magnified Healing, Acupressure, Aroma therapy, Yoga, Meditation, Hypnosis, and Melchizedek Method of hologram healing (LEVEL 4), Feng Shui, Tai chi and NLP.
Using all the above sciences she has healed over 10,000 people. She is a coach of International repute and imparts training in Personality Development, Communication and Public Speaking Skills, Time Management, Stress Management and an exclusive empowering workshop for women and children. She is the Director - Training Division of ISLEWORTH TRADELINKS LTD.
By qualification Lalita is a MA. in English, Aesthetics and Psychology. Upon completing her mass communication course in Public Relations, Advertising and Journalism, Lalitha helped in the compilation & production of corporate House Magazines & Journals.
Lalitha is a qualified counselor and conducts personalized Coaching Program for achieving success and overcoming shortcomings. She has edited the books written by Dr Sumeet on Reiki, Hypnosis, Dowsing, NLP & Making of a Millionaire. Lalitha has written two books - one on Aromatherapy and the other on Yoga. She has been a keen social worker as she was involved in the activities of Inner Wheel Club of Bangalore Orchards. In recognition of the service rendered to mankind all the leading newspapers and magazines have featured Lalitha & Sumeet for their achievements.